Building Back Better

Flumen researchers Martin Fritz and Lilian Pungas have participated working on briefing paper that was just published by the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll).

The COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects on vulnerable communities around the world but we are also seeing glimpses of hope, where societies are working to “build back better” by ensuring basic needs and protecting our natural environment.

The WEAll collaboration presents “Ten principles for building back better to create wellbeing economies post-covid” which you can find here:

You can read the full paper here.

Research colloquium

This semester the junior research group flumen offers a research colloquium to present and discuss current research on socio-ecological topics. It is also intended as a meeting place for Master’s students in the field of “Sustainability and social transformation” and others, interested in respective issues. In the following semesters, a regular colloquium programme, including various guest lectures, will be offered with the participation of the other departments of the Institute for Sociology in Jena.

The Research colloquium takes place thurstdays from 2-4 p.m. at the Humboldtstraße 34, Jena