Dennis Eversberg contributes to the conference on how to succeed in transformation at the Federal Chancellery | 12 Dec. 2023

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image: Bundesregierung/Janine Schmitz

Dennis Eversberg contributes to the conference “Societal prerequisites for a succesful transformation” that took place on 12. Dezember 2023 at the Federal Chancellery of Germany. By presenting findings of the flumen research, he spoke about “attitudes and mentalities – how people glance at societal change”.

Numerous researchers were invitied to the conference in order to exchange with colleagues and representatives of the Federal Chancellery as well as of the ministries on main questions of a social-ecologic transformation.

Panel zum Themenblock A: "Einstellungen und Mentalitäten – Wie Menschen auf gesellschaftlichen Wandel blicken" mit Dennis Eversberg, Universitaet Jena, und Berthold Vogel, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Goettingen, aufgenommen im Rahmen der Konferenz "Gesellschaftliche Gelingensbedingungen der Transformation", im Bundeskanzleramt. Berlin, 12.12.2023.
image: Bundesregierung/Janine Schmitz