Research interests

Comparative social survey research, social-ecological attitudes and values, Human-Nature relations, Degrowth, global environmental policy and politics, sustainable welfare and eco-social policies, sustainable work
Research within the Junior Research Group
Primary responsibility:
Labour market and employment analyses (module B1), Diachronic analysis of data on environmental consciousness (module B2), Conduct and analysis of own representative survey about socialecological mentalities and the bioeconomy (module B3/B4)
In cooperation with the group:
Theory and Synthesis (module D)
Tel.: +49 3641 9-45036
Since 2024:
leader of the BMBF junior research group ‚Mentalities in flux: imaginaries and social structure in modern circular bio-based societies‘ at the Institute of Sociology, University of Jena
Fellow at the School of Social Work, University Lund, Sweden
Since 2019:
PostDoc in the Junior Research Group ‚Mentalities in flux: imaginaries and social structure in modern circular bio-based societies‘ at the Institute of Sociology, University of Jena
2018 – 2019:
PostDoc scholarship of the Bielefeld Young Researchers Fund
2017 – 2018:
PostDoc at the Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, replacement for Juniorprofessor Dr. Alexandra Kaasch
Conferral of doctorate from the University of Bonn, Title of Dissertation: Job quality of part-time employment in Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom [deutsch: Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigung in Deutschland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich]. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius
2006 – 2015:
Researcher at the European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (EUROLAB), GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne
2002 – 2006:
Student assistant (until March 2005) and research assistant at the Central Archive for Empirical Social Research (ZA), Cologne
1998 – 2005:
Studies of philosophy, psychology and sociology at the Technical University of Chemnitz (1998-2001) and the University of Cologne (2001-05), degree: Magister Artium. Title of thesis: Imitation and Representation. On the Anthropology of Playing. [deutsch: Nachahmung und Darstellung. Zur Anthropologie des Spiels]. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter Schulte
Academic Teaching
2019 – today
Academic teaching at FSU Jena
2017 – 2019
Academic teaching at Bielefeld University
2003 – 2015
Lecturer for the Cologne Business School (MA), Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Cologne (BA & MA), Tutor at the University of Cologne (BA & MA), Exercises (4 SWS), Courses: Introduction to data analysis with SPSS: Macro Sociology
April 2017 – March 2019: University of Bielefeld
Seminars: Comparative Political Science: The case of environmental politics.
Social policy and the environment: Understanding society-nature relationships
Labour market and employment in Europe
April 2017 – September 2017: University of Onsabruck
Seminar: Ecology, sustainability and the social sciences
April 2012 – September 2016: University of Bonn
Seminars: Introduction to Statistics
Culture and Social Structure: Anthropological Perspectives
Culture and Social Structure: Classic and modern approaches: Marx, Weber, Luhmann & Co.
2025. Pathways to Sustainable Welfare. Inertia, Emergence and Transformation in Swedish Cities. Policy Press. [with Kajsa Emilsson, Roger Hildingsson, Håkan Johansson, Jamil Khan, and Max Koch]
ISBN: 9781447372585
2024. Der neue sozial-ökologische Klassenkonflikt. Mentalitäts- und Interessengegensätze im Streit um Transformation. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. [with Dennis Eversberg, Linda von Faber and Matthias Schmelzer]
2017. Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich. Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigung in Deutschland, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
ISBN: 978-3-8474-2132-0
2013. Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [co-edited with Max Koch]
ISBN: 978-1-13-726715-3
2023. Introduction to the special issue: Tackling inequality and providing sustainable welfare through eco-social policies. In: European Journal of Social Security, 0(0). [with Jayeon Lee]
2022. Editorial to the Special Issue: Promises of growth and sustainability in the bioeconomy. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 31, 839–841. [with Dennis Eversberg, Lilian Pungas, Sandra Venghaus].
2024. Mentalities in the energy and heat transition: A comparative study of German bioenergy villages. In: SuN, online, 157-179. [with Linda von Faber, Dennis Eversberg]
2024. The active, the sympathetic, and the reluctant: political action and eco-social attitudes among Swedish residents, In: European Political Science Review. [with Emilsson, Kajsa & Hildingsson, Roger]
2024. Diminishing returns of growth? Economic performance, needs satisfaction and ecological impacts of OECD welfare states. In: Critical Social Policy, 0(0). [with Paulsson, Alexander & Koch, Max]
2023. Mentalities, classes and the four lines of conflict in the social-ecological transformation, In: European Political Science. [with Dennis Eversberg]
2023. Introduction to the special issue: Tackling inequality and providing sustainable welfare through eco-social policies. European Journal of Social Security, 0(0). [with Jayeon Lee]
2023. Support for eco-social policy from a class perspective: Responsibilities, redistribution, regulation and rights. In: European Journal of Social Security, 0(0). [with Dennis Eversberg]
2022. Ecological ceiling and social floor: public support for eco-social policies in Sweden. In: Sustainibility Science. [with Jamil Khan, Kajsa Emilsson, Max Koch, Roger Hildingsson & Håkan Johansson]
2022. Bioeconomy as a societal transformation: Mentalities, conflicts and social practices. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 973-987. [with Eversberg, Dennis]
2021. Die Vertretung ökologischer Interessen als sozialpolitische Interessen: Konflikt- oder Kooperationspotential in einer Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit? Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 67(2). [with Bohnenberger, K, Mundt, I. & Riousset, P].
2021. Habitus and climate change: Exploring support and resistance to sustainable welfare and social–ecological transformations in Sweden. The British Journal of Sociology, 00, 1– 17. [with Koch, M., Johansson, H., Emilsson, K., Hildingsson, R., & Khan, J.]
2020. Sozialpolitik for Future. Wie nachhaltige Sozialpolitik Klimagerechtigkeit schafft. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 33 (11): 269–281. [with Katharina Bohnenberger]
doi: 10.1515/fjsb-2020-0022
2019. Public Support for Sustainable Welfare Compared: Links between Attitudes towards Climate and Welfare Policies. Sustainability, 11(15): 4146. [with Max Koch] You will find the Article here.
doi: 10.3390/su11154146
2017. Genossenschaften und nachhaltige Arbeit. Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 10(2), November 2017, 121-138.
2017. Shifting Priorities in Degrowth Research? An Argument for the Centrality of Human Needs. Ecological Economics (138), 74-81. [with Max Koch and Hubert Buch-Hansen]
doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.03.035
2016. Economic development and prosperity patterns around the world: Structural challenges for a global steady-state economy. Global Environmental Change (38), 41-48. [with Max Koch]
doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.02.007
2014. Potentials for prosperity without growth: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life in 38 countries. Ecological Economics (108), 191-199. [with Max Koch]
2014. Building the Eco-social State: Do Welfare Regimes Matter? Journal of Social Policy 43(4), 679-703. [with Max Koch]
2009. Sozioökonomische Entwicklung und Wertvorstellungen in elf Regionen der Türkei. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 61(4), 535-561. [with Yasemin El-Menouar]
2024. Erwerbsstrukturen, Beschäftigungsbedingungen und Mentalitäten in der deutschen Bioökonomie. In: Sozialpolitik in Diskussion, 25, 118–135. [with Dennis Eversberg]
2023. “Religiosity and climate change beliefs in Europe” In: Alice Barth, Felix Leßke, Rebekka Atakan, Manuela Schmidt, Yvonne Scheit (Eds.), Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces. Papers in honor of Jörg Blasius, 83-105. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. [with Yasemin El-Menouar]
2021. “Einstellungen zu nachhaltiger Wohlfahrt und einer sozialökologischen Politik: Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus der Umfrageforschung.” In: Dorothee Rodenhäuser, Hannes Vetter, Benjamin Held, Hans Diefenbacher (Eds.), Soziale Sicherungssysteme im Umbruch. Beiträge zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation, Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft, 7. Marburg: Metropolis.
2018. The ‘good life’ of nations: a global perspective. In C. Henning & H. Rosa (Eds.), The Good Life Beyond Growth: New Perspectives, 215-228. London: Routledge. [with Max Koch]
ISBN: 978-1138687882
2015. Green States in Europe: A Comparative View. In K. Bäckstrand & A. Kronsell (Eds.), Rethinking the Green State: Environmental Governance towards Climate and Sustainability Transitions, 83-103. London: Routledge Earthscan. [with Max Koch]
ISBN: 978-1-13-879251-7
2013. Non-standard employment and anomie in the EU. In M. Koch & M. Fritz (Eds.), Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses, 209-228. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN: 978-1-13-726715-3
2013. Introduction: Changing Employment Standards in a Crisis-Ridden Europe. In M. Koch & M. Fritz (Eds.), Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses, 1-9. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [with Max Koch]
ISBN: 978-1-13-726715-3
2013. Conclusion: Non-Standard Employment: Concept, Empirical Results and Policy Implications. In M. Koch & M. Fritz (Eds.), Non-Standard Employment in Europe: Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses, 229-241. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [with Max Koch]
ISBN: 978-1-13-726715-3
2010. Atypische Beschäftigungsformen und Unsicherheiten in Deutschland, Norwegen, Portugal und dem Vereinigten Königreich. In H. Soeffner (Ed.), Unsichere Zeiten. Herausforderungen gesellschaftlicher Transformationen (on CD). Verhandlungen des 34. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Jena 2008. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
ISBN: 978-3-531-92035-1
2023. BioMentalitäten in Deutschland: Bericht über die Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage zu Bioökonomie und sozial-ökologischem Wandel, Working Paper. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Soziologie, BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe „Mentalitäten im Fluss”, Jena. (with Linda von Faber)
2022. Employment and working conditions in the bioeconomy in Finland and Germany, Working Paper. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Soziologie, BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe „Mentalitäten im Fluss”, Jena.
2021. Mentalities Matter: Sozial-ökologische Mentalitäten und ihre Bedeutung in post-fossilen Transformationen, Working Paper. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Soziologie, BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe „Mentalitäten im Fluss”, Jena. [with Dennis Eversberg / Jana Holz / Philip Koch / Lilian Pungas / Matthias Schmelzer]
2024. Der neue sozial-ökologische Klassenkonflikt: Mentalitäts- und Interessengegensätze im Streit um Transformation. Forschungsbericht der BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe „Mentalitäten im Fluss (flumen)“, Jena. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Institut für Soziologie, Jena. [with Eversberg, Dennis / von Faber, Linda / Schmelzer, Matthias]
2024. Eversberg, Dennis / Fritz, Martin / von Faber, Linda / Schmelzer, Matthias (2024): The new socio-ecological class conflict. Conflicting mentalities and interests in the dispute over transformation. Research report of the Junior Research Group „Mentalities in flux: imaginaries and social structure in modern circular bio-based societies (flumen)“, Jena. [with Eversberg, Dennis / von Faber, Linda / Schmelzer, Matthias]
2022. Public support for eco-social policies, the Swedish case. Article for the UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab. November 14. [with Khan, J., Emilsson, K.]
2021. Klimagerechtigkeit, Diversität und Nachhaltige Sozialpolitik. Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management 6(1): 53-58. [with Katharina Bohnenberger]
2020. Wellbeing Economics for the COVID-19 recovery. Ten principles to build back better. Briefing Paper, Wellbeing Economy Alliance, May 2020, [with: Büchs, M., Baltruszewicz, M., Bohnenberger, K., Busch, J., Dyke, J., Elf, P., Fanning, M., Garvey, A., Hardt, L., Hofferberth, E., Ivanova, D., Janoo, A., O’Neill, D., Guillen-Royo, M., Sahakian, M., Steinberger, J., Trebeck, K. & Corlet Walker, C.]
2020. Global Social Policy Digest (20, 3), 412-449. [with: Berten, J., Besche-Truthe, F., Boyashov, A., Crockett, C., Cufré, S., Igbojekwe, E., Kaasch, A., Laws, M., Schulze Waltrup, R. & Shriwise, A]
2020. Tackling the Double Injustice: How Citizens Evaluate Climate and Welfare Policies. World Economics 21(1): 93-115. [with Max Koch]
2020. Global Social Policy Digest (20, 2), 1-22. [with: Berten, J., Besche, F., Boyashov, A., Brunotte, T., Cufré, S., Kaasch, A., Schulze Waltrup, R. & Shriwise, A.]
2020. Global Social Policy Digest (20, 1), 117-134. [with: Berten, J., Besche, F., Boyashov, A., Brunotte, T., Cufré, S., Kaasch, A., Schulze Waltrup, R. & Shriwise, A.]
2019. Global Social Policy Digest (19, 3), 1-18. [with Berten, J., Besche, F., Boyashov, A., Brunotte, T., Cufré, S., Kaasch, A., Marijan, B. & Schulze Waltrup, R.]
2019. Global Social Policy Digest (19, 1-2), 159-178. [with Besche, F., Canonge, J., Cufré, S., Duten, A, Marijan, B. & Zancajo, A.]
2018. Global Social Policy Digest (18, 3), 349-362. [with Canonge, J., Cufré, S., Duten, A., Marijan, B. & Zancajo, A.]
2018. Global Social Policy Digest (18, 2), 235-245. [with Canonge, J., Cufré, S., Marijan, B., Zancajo, A. & Zurkuhlen, A.]
2018. Global Social Policy Digest (18, 1), 102-115. [with Canonge, J., Cufré, S., Dankmeyer, M.-C., Marijan, B. & Zancajo, A.]
2017. Global Social Policy Digest (17, 3), 381-393. [with Canonge, J., Cufré, S., Dankmeyer, M.-C., Marijan, B. & Zancajo, A.]
2015. Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeit- und Vollzeitbeschäftigten. Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich. GESIS Papers 2015/11.
2015. The European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research – EUROLAB 2014 Annual Report. GESIS Papers 2015/10. [with Malina Voicu and Ingvill C. Mochmann]
2014. The European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research – EUROLAB 2013 Annual Report. GESIS-Technical Reports 2014(6). [with Malina Voicu and Ingvill C. Mochmann]
2014. Potentials for a socially equitable and ecologically sustainable society. Ökologisches Wirtschaften 29(3), 38-41. [with Max Koch]
2013. The European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research – EUROLAB 2012 Annual Report. GESIS-Technical Reports 2013(4). [with Ingvill C. Mochmann]
2011. Review: The Sociology of Work: Structures and Inequalities, by S. P. Vallas, W. Finlay & A. S. Wharton. In: Work, employment and society 25(4), 829-831.
2007. The European Data Laboratory for Comparative Social Research – ZA-EUROLAB. Report 1997/2007. [with Ingvill C. Mochmann]
2023. A cartography of the social-ecological transformation in Germany: Exploring interconnections between classes, mentalities and practices. Science-historical colloquium in the Ernst-Haeckel-Haus. Jena, 22 June 2023.
2023. Soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland im Kontext von Energiekrise und sozial-ökologischer Transformation. Presentation with Linda von Faber at the Catholic Student’s Association Erfurt. Erfurt, 31 May 2023.
2023. Grundlagen der sozial-ökologischen Mentalitätsforschung. Presentation at the Working Group Plurale Ökonomik of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation NRW. 20 April 2023. Online.
2023. Mentalities in the bioeconomy as a social-ecological transformation: Historical and sociological perspectives. Presentation with M. Schmelzer at the International Bioeconomy Conference “Bioeconomy Policies, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations”. 22-23 February 2023. Humboldt Universität Berlin.
2023. Greening Bourdieu. How a socio-ecological reinterpretation of social space helps to understand societal conflicts over climate change. Presentation with D. Eversberg at the international conference Climate Change and the Social Sciences. 2-4 February 2023. Free University Berlin.
2022. Polarisiert sich der sozial-ökologische Transformationskonflikt? Spannungen und Spaltungen zwischen Mentalitäten im sozialen Raum. Presentation with D. Eversberg at the 41st congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 26-30 September, University Bielefeld.
2022. Mentalities and post-fossil transformation in Germany 2022: The BioMentalities study. Presentation with D. Eversberg in the workshop “Mental infrastructures of modern fossil and bio-based societies” 19-20 May at the University Jena.
2022. Erwerbsstrukturen und Mentalitäten in der deutschen Bioökonomie. Presentation with D. Eversberg at the 41st congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 26-30 September, University Bielefeld.
2022. Eco-social mentalities and ways of living in the transformation to an eco-social policy – Empirical findings from a representative survey in Germany 2021/22. Presentation at the 14th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 14-17 June, Pisa, Italy.
2021. Attitudes to sustainable welfare and eco-social policies in Europe. Lecture for series at the universities of Venice and Padua „Exploring the eco-social debate: theory and practice”, October 21.
2021. Habitus and Climate Change. Lecture with Max Koch for a series at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), September 30.
2021. The Role Of Habitus In The Energy Transition: How Social-Ecological Attitudes, Values And Practices Shape The Social Acceptance Of Post-Fossil Energy Systems In Germany. Presentation with T. Friedrich at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Barcelona, Spain, August 31 – September 03.
2021. Analyzing people’s views on eco-social policies in Sweden. Presentation at the 7th Degrowth/16th ISEE International Society for Ecological Economics Conference: “Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis”. Manchester, UK, July 05-08.
2021. Bioökonomie als Schauplatz des sozial-ökologischen Transformationskonflikts in Deutschland. Presentation with Dennis Eversberg at Frühjahrstagung of the DGS-section „Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitssoziologie“, April 01.
2020. Zur Akzeptanz sozialökologischer Politiken. Empirische Ergebnisse aus Schweden und Europa. Tagung Soziale Sicherungssysteme im Umbruch: Wie können sie den ökologischen Wandel unterstützen und soziale Inklusion gewährleisten? Veranstaltet von der Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST) und dem Nell-Breuning-Institut, September 22nd-23rd, Heidelberg.
2020. Sozial und ökologisch Wirtschaften. Konzepte und Spielarten von Degrowth. Veranstaltungsreihe Klimakrise versus Wirtschaftsweise organisiert von der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Thüringen und von Fridays for Future Erfurt, . September 17, Erfurt.
2019. Values, knowledge and mentalities: The role of survey research for the agenda of sustainable welfare. Workshop ‘Welfare recalibration and the ecological crisis: research topics, approaches and findings for a sustainable transition’ November 11th-12th, Pisa, Italy.
2019. Social determinants of support for consumption corridors in Europe – the case of energy use. Workshop ‘Consumption corridors: exploring concepts and implications’ 2019 April 16th-18th, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
2019. Political orientations and public support for an eco-social policy in Europe. 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, June 18th-21st, Turku, Finnland.
2018. Nature-society relations in international comparison. 6th International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, 2018 August 21st-25th, Malmö, Sweden.
2018. Towards Global Eco-Social Policy. Combining Social Justice and Environmental Sustainability. XIXth World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, 2018 July 20, Toronto, Canada.
2018. Sustainable Welfare in Public Opinion. Analyzing the Relationships between Attitudes towards Social and Environmental Policies. XIXth World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, 2018 July 19, Toronto, Canada.
2017. Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale genossenschaftlich organisierter Arbeit. Frühjahrstagung der Sektion „Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2017 April 6th-7th, Jena.
2016. Welfare Regimes and Attitudes Towards Environmental Regulation. Third ISA Forum of Sociology, 2016 July 10th-14th, Vienna, Austria.
2016. Cultural Distances and Immigrants’ Labour Market Integration [with Andrea Meckel]. Third ISA Forum of Sociology, 2016 July 10th-14th, Vienna, Austria.
2015. Analyzing the global eco-social field: Macro-level patterns of ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality life. SOCSPACE Conference (Empirical Investigation of Social Space II), 2015 October 12th-14th, Bonn.
2015. Dimensions of Sustainability in a Global Perspective [with Max Koch]. 5th World Sustainability Forum, 2015 September 7th-9th, Basel, Switzerland.
2015. Economic Development and Human Prosperity Worldwide: Implications for a global Steady-State Economy [with Max Koch]. Good Life Beyond Growth Conference, 2015 May 22, Jena.
2015. Cultural distances and attitudes towards immigrants [with Andrea Meckel and Marcel Dresse]. ECSR Spring School, 2015 March 23th-27th, Turin, Italy.
2015. Diskrepanzen zwischen wahrgenommenen und präferierten Arbeitsbedingungen von Teilzeit- und Vollzeitbeschäftigten: Arbeitsqualität in Deutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich und Schweden. 3. Rhein-Ruhr Promovendensymposium „Arbeit und Soziale Sicherheit“, 2015 March 12th-13th, Duisburg.
2014. Mapping human prosperity: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life around the globe [with Max Koch]. 4th International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, 2014 September 3, 2014, Leipzig.
2014. Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life: Identifying potentials for prosperity without growth [with Max Koch]. Annual Progressive Economy Forum of the S&D Group of the European Parliament, 2014 March 5th-6th, Brussels, Belgium.
2013. Creating Eco-social Policies: Do Welfare Regimes Matter? [with Max Koch] Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 2013 June 11th-13th, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2012. Die Krise in Europa als Chance für das Sozialkapital seiner Bürger. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Analysen. 36. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 2012 October 4, Bochum.
2011. Non-standard employment and anomy in the EU. Structures and Trends. Authors’ conference ‘The destandardisation of employment in the EU’, 2011 May 23rd-25th, Cologne.
2010. Non-standard employment and social disintegration in Europe. XVIIth World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, 2010 July 13, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2010. Subjective well-being of the creative class. XVIIth World Congress of Sociology of the International Sociological Association, 2012 July 14, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2007. Value differences within Turkey. An application of Multiple Correspondence Analysis [with Yasemin El-Menouar]. CARME Conference (Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods). 2007 June 26, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
2022. Organisation and Moderation of the event „From an aspirational policy framework to a real agent of change? Critical questions in the science-policy nexus of sustainable welfare and eco-social policy” at the 14th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 14-17 June, Pisa, Italy. [with Lindellee, J.]
2022. Organisation of the Workshop “Mental infrastructures of modern fossil and bio-based societies” 19-20 May at the University Jena. [with Dennis Eversberg, Jana Holz, Judith Kiss, Philip Koch, Lilian Pungas and Matthias Schmelzer]
2021. The bioeconomy as a blueprint for the postfossil society? – Contours of the social after coal and oil. Organisation of three events on the topic of Bioeconomy at the 7th Degrowth/16th ISEE International Society for Ecological Economics Conference: “Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis”, July 05-08, Manchester, UK. [with Dennis Eversberg, Jana Holz, Kristina Lorenzen, Philip Koch, Lilian Pungas, Matthias Schmelzer and Anne Tittor].
2021. Moderation of “Growth, technology and the bioeconomy” at the 7th Degrowth/16th ISEE International Society for Ecological Economics Conference: “Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis”, July 05-08, Manchester, UK.
2021. “Statistische Methoden in der relationalen Mentalitätsforschung” Workshop January 20th-21st at FSU Jena. [with Godding, S.].
2019. Organisation and management of the workshop “Wandel von Bedürfnissen in Wachstums- und Postwachstumsgesellschaften” auf der Konferenz “Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften” vom September 23rd-27th in Jena. [with Bohnenberger, K.].
2019. Organisation and management of the special session ‘Sustainable Welfare and Eco-social policies – Solutions for the Post-Growth Society’, 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, June 18th-21st in Turku, Finnland. [with Bohnenberger, K.].